Friday, June 11, 2010


  1. Identify the parts of the structure of the ear.

    You could identify the following structures on anatomical models or pictures.

    - Auricle (penna)

    - External acoustic meatus

    - Tympanic membrane

    - Pharyngotympanic (auditory) tube

    - Cochlea

    - Cochlear nerve

    - Semicircular canals

    Auditory ossicles

    * Malleus (hammer)

    * Incus (anvil)

    * Stapes (stirrup)

    Identify the structure of the eye on anatomical models or pictures.

    - Pupil

    - Iris

    - Lens

    - Cornea

    - Sclera

    - Choroid

    - Retina

    - Optic nerve

    - Vitreus humor

    Mr. R. Resendiz

  2. Final Labortatory Practicum

    These are the tentative topics for the Final Practicum Exam. The Instructor will review with you specific information you need to know. Please make sure you have the laboratory exercises in the proper order. The questions in this practicum are taken from your lab exercise sheets and anatomical models used in lab meeting. Please pay attention to the practicum review with the instructor. If you have opportunity my suggestion is to spend time studying the anatomical models.

    Please review the following topics covered in the midterm practicum.

    • Identification of skull bones
    • Identification of skull sutures
    • Identification of bones and bony markings*
    • Identification of cat and human muscles*
    * Instructor will provide specific instructions

    The Human heart

    • Identify the parts of the heart on anatomical models or pictures
    • Identify the valves of the heart on anatomical models or pictures
    • Explain the steps of the blood flow (look at figures 18.1, and 18.6 of your lecture text book; Human anatomy 5TH by Marieb p. 529, 536)

    Digestive system

    • Identify parts of the digestive system and function on anatomical models or pictures
    • Identify organs of the alimentary canal, and accessory digestive organs
    • How is the acidic chyme from the stomach neutralized in the duodenum?

    Respiratory system

    • Identify organs of the respiratory system on anatomical models or pictures
    • Identify bronchi and other lower respiratory passages (look at figure 21.8 of your lecture text book; Human anatomy 5TH by Marieb p. 623)

    Urinary system

    • Identify parts of the urinary system
    • Identify parts of the kidney

    Reproductive system

    • Identify organs of the male reproductive system on anatomical models or pictures
    • Identify organs of the female reproductive system on anatomical models or pictures
    • Explain the function of the prostate gland
    • Explain the function of the seminal vesicle
    • Explain the function of the bulbourethral gland
    • Explain the function of the epididymis

    Nervous system

    • Identify the parts and function of the neuron on anatomical models or pictures.
    • Identify the parts of the brain

    Special senses

    • Identify the parts of the ear
    • Identify the parts of the eye
